Garden, Landscape & Architectural Design

Laura Heybrook
“Have nothing in your houses that …
… you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” Flowers from the garden in mid-January, on a day of wind and tempest and pure blue skies in between. With this photograph, William Morris came to mind, a hero for putting so much meaning into a few life...
Wonderful photographs!
Gardens and plants are so photographic, and here is the proof of it! I so often say, “a photograph is better than a thousand words”. When I am beginning to work with a new client, I ask them to look out all and any photographs that appeal to them, and I will do the...
A Family Christmas outing to the Courtauld Gallery, London
These two paintings date from 1873 and 1874, when Renoir was just 32 years old. In a gallery full of wonderful paintings, they just knock you over. The picture of 'Lilies in a Jar' by Matthew Smith, an English painter who studied with Matisse in Paris, dates from...