Traditional terracing

Traditional terracing

Traditional terracing using local stone sits effortlessly on the steep hills behind Portofino. And the air was alive with glorious fragrance and birdsong. We love working with craftsmen to help create timeless designs in the garden. ← Iris Fields The End of...
National Garden Scheme

National Garden Scheme

Such a wonderful idea to raise money for nursing charities by kind owners opening their garden gates. I love reading ‘The Yellow Book’ in the winter months to try to work a visit to an open garden with other commitments. Rose and I have just visited two spectacular...
A top 10 garden

A top 10 garden

I don’t care for rankings or ratings much… comparisons are indeed odious. However, the gardens at Great Dixter were in the realms of sublime beauty at my visit last week and are definitely now added to my top 10 British gardens list. It rained throughout my tour...
Perch Hill

Perch Hill

Lunch last week was with Sarah Raven. Gosh she is brilliant and so generous with her knowledge and time. Her bunches, all picked from the garden, usually contain “6 ingredients”. This one includes Tulipa ‘Victoria’s Secret’, T. ‘Helmar’ and T. ‘Royal Acres’ with...
English Bluebells

English Bluebells

In larger gardens with damp woodland, we often plant thousands of our native bluebells Hyacinthoides non-scripta. More refined and elegant than their invasive Spanish cousins, H.hispanica, their scent is subtly exquisite yet travels far. Towards the woodland margins...
Quercus robur

Quercus robur

Our fabulous native oak, c 130 years old with zingy bronze-lime spring foliage emerging. Ravishing everyday at any age. The king of British trees. ← Making an Entrance! English Bluebells → Back to Other...