“Look Mum, this is for you…” Poring over paint charts deciding colours to use for one client’s obelisk, planters, porchway and rose arches, I looked up to see my rosy cheeked three year old offering me a daisy… In fact, the most beautiful daisy I have ever seen. That was the trigger. Off we went, looking for more daisies.
There are so many beautiful ‘wild’ flowers in our country that can often be dismissed too easily. As garden designers, we feel blessed if we are able to use them. Certainly, Digitalis purpurea, Primula vulgaris and Viola odorata appear regularly on our plant lists. If we are really lucky, we can add Red campion, Meadow buttercup, Lady’s Smock, Ragged robin and Green winged orchid to our list too.
We had a lovely ramble – I felt energised and Freddie exhausted as we came home with a partly ethereal bunch of wild grasses and flowers from my parents wild flower meadow. Not all carefully picked but still brilliantly understated, in fact rather un-wild way.
A far cry from Chelsea Flower show last week, but equally fun.