Garden, Landscape & Architectural Design

Laura Heybrook
Urban Greening
As my usual tube station at Marylebone was closed, I alighted at Edgware Road. What a welcome discovery this magnificent living green wall was, particularly as it is sited right beside the pretty hostile A40 flyover. New research continues to conclude that green walls...
Cloud box hedging
We have a client who seeks a fairly instant cloud box hedge to screen cars. Earlier this week I was delighted to visit a marvellous grower and passionate enthusiast of one of my favourite plants, Buxus. The plant has had bad press over recent years because of box...
I am often amazed how productive some journalists are in creating and publishing works. Perhaps I should invest in a dictaphone, useable in a car. Someone please tell me that they exist! So I could merrily convert driving thoughts post-garden visits into content. Old...