Garden, Landscape & Architectural Design

Laura Heybrook
A warm and wonderful welcome
What better than to arrive at a beautifully adorned front door during the festive season? You may be worn out after work or shopping? Or a guest arriving at a seasonal party? A beautiful wreath is, like a Christmas tree, a wonderful reminder of how magical Christmas...
St. Valentine’s Day
On Saturday I whizzed in to the local florist in search of tulips. I just love them – instant reminders of cherished Dutch relatives, and also that long, warm days are on their way. The shop owner was busy unloading and checking flowers, buckets of them and ALL red...
The Joys of Winter
A chalked up board “Who said winter is dull?” greeted me on my arrival at Hardy’s Garden Plants yesterday. I’d travelled some distance to visit this Chelsea Gold Medal-winning hellebore nursery and, up to this moment, the early morning journey had been misty, murky...