Oxford garden design with topiary, antique French café table, spring flowers and a traditional greenhouse.

Garden, Landscape & Architectural Design

Making romantic and atmospheric gardens in Oxford, the Cotswolds, the south of England and overseas. Working closely with the Owners, to create their haven of colour and inspiration, peace and beauty, for more than 20 years.
Old apple orchard in the Cotswolds with blossom and wildflowers and drystone wall.
New Cotswold stone wall with fragrant evergreen jasmine in flower growing on it.
Greek garden with old olive tree and drought tolerant Mediterranean planting by a swimming pool.
Good design is not a cost, it is a making and a saving of money, and a making of life and achievement. All history is the proof of this.

Laura Heybrook

Finding English oak planks

Finding English oak planks

In deepest Wiltshire, looking for two top rails for a pair of important oak gates, where the grain hopefully would follow the curve of an old design. English oak is completely different from oak grown in any other country, even though it is the same species, Quercus...

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A Genius!!

A Genius!!

Joanna came to Oxford to give a talk and she was so brilliant, interesting, supremely eloquent, razor sharp and wittier and more elegant than ever!

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York stone

York stone

Here are three photographs from a fabulous quarry I recently visited near Bradford in West Yorkshire. Wonderful, friendly, warm hearted people made me so welcome. Their skill and dedication I know I am going to always remember. My journey was to find British stone,...

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